1 hr/ $108
2 hr/ $207
Abhyanga is the methodic long strokes with intent focus on the joints. Using warm oil, this traditional Ayurvedic massage will deeply nourish your tissues.
2 hr/ $225
Lymphatic tissues are the first of the seven tissues. Since the lymphatic system is the immune system, this massage is a great monthly routine for optimal lymphatic flow. Using a variety of techniques such as cupping, hot compresses, gua sha, and warm oil
Netra Basti
$72 as an add on
This basti uses Ghee to soothe and cleanse the eye. A barrier is created around the eye with a prepared wheat flour dough dam, then lukewarm ghee is poured over the eye into the dam. This is done to relax the cranial nerves which are located behind the eye and it drop out all the upper channels in the body like tight jaw and shoulders. It also helps letting go of old stories and cobwebs in the brain. It also supports eyesight.
Kati Basti
$63 as an add on
Using a wheat flour dough dam (basti) a well is developed around your spine. Warms oils are poured into the barrier to lubricate and nourish the nerves and bones of the spine promoting a healthy core. Warm stones are also placed in the oil around the back to activate your kundalini energy.
Pinda Svedana
$ 1 hr / $127
$81 as an add on
Cooked rice with heating and movement stimulating herbs are formed into balls and wrapped with a cotton cloth. These packed balls of rice are used all over the body with a main focus on the joints to tenderize the muscles. This is great for arthritis, multiple sclerosis, dry achy muscles, and inflammation.
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